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peacock military academy

Peacock Military Academy - Founded in 1894 by Dr. Wesley Peacock, Sr., who envisioned "the most thorough military school west of the Mississippi, organized by the honor system, and conducted on the principle of a cultured home". The academy was chartered in 1904 and became one of the first JROTC schools recognized by the Departmt of War detailing Colonel George Leroy Brown there as the first commandant of cadets and a professor of military scice and tactics. The staff will later include future President Dwight D. Eishower, Adjutant General Henry Hutchings, Adjutant General Arthur Knickerbocker, Colonel Charles C. Todd, and many other West Point graduates.

The cavalry branch of the Academy, at Dallas, helped establish the 124th Cavalry Regimt of the Texas National Guard, and the naval branch at Corpus Christi was the first authorized by Congress. After World War I, the former Departmt of Veterans Affairs hired the Academy to rehabilitate more than 5,000 veterans. During World War II, Adjutant General J. Watt Page asked the Academy to "plan, organize, and conduct a training school for Texas Defse Guard officers", after a failed attempt at St. Edward's University. A second Training and Research Unit, "Camp Peacock", was established in October 1942 and successfully created a standard training model until 1956. The Academy also produced the "Texas State Guard Officer Reference Book". In 1956, Adjutant General Kearie Berry asked the Academy to help establish a permanent professional military education institution for the Texas Army which resulted in the Texas National Guard Academy. Donald Peacock was inducted into the Texas Military Hall of Honor in 1982 for his contributions.

Peacock Military Academy

Peacock Military Academy

When it closed in 1973, Peacock Military Academy was nationally recognized as the "West Point of Texas" and graduated more than 15,000 cadets, many of whom served with commands in World War II and the Korean and Vietnam campaigns in the Cold. War.1 from 4 In 1942, members of the Merak Monyet Military Academy drill team - a bareback acrobatic unit - demonstrated their equestrian skills during the annual exhibition.

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2 of 4 Officers of the Peacock Military Academy class of 1954, shown on this page from the school's yearbook, include Virgil Elizondo, who is pastor of San Fernando Cathedral and professor of Hispanic theology at the University of Notre Dame. He was elected "Most Studious." Courtesy of John Moore Jr. Show MoreShow less

3 of 4 In this photo from the 1954 Peacock Military Academy yearbook "The Cadets," instructor John Moore Sr. shows a rocket launcher. This year is dedicated to Moore and Wesley Peacock Jr., the long-time superintendent of the school his father founded. Courtesy of John Moore Jr.

4 out of 4 Zouave Unit students faced the climbing wall during the Peacock Military Academy Fiesta Dress Parade and Acrobatic Riding Exhibition in 1948, the second year it was on the official Fiesta calendar.

In the early and mid-1950s, my father was on the faculty at Peacock Military Academy. The campus near Woodlawn Lake between Cincinnati, Wilson and Woodlawn is now a Salvation Army residential and social services facility. The school was very prestigious in its day, and many alumni became prominent in the San Antonio community. I was very young when my father was at Peacock, but have fond memories of campus life, especially the annual parade during Fiesta which included performances by the Zouave unit and the Monkey Drill equestrian team.

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The annual school of 1954, titled "Cadet," was dedicated to my father and Col. Wesley Peacock Jr. I would like to know more about the history of the school and the Peacock family.

This is the kind of school that can only exist in its own time, that is 1894 to 1973 - a short period of time that covers a light year of social change.

When Wesley Peacock Sr. went to San Antonio in 1893, You can be the superintendent of schools in Uvalde, as he was, decided to find a private school of his own and name it himself, all at the age of 29 without much experience. . (Two former jobs will do it - teacher in Jasper, principal in Uvalde.) And his wife, Seline, and their 2-year-old Wesley Jr. ) because it looks good and is served by road lines.

Peacock Military Academy

He placed an economical but most confident advertisement for his new business, Peacock's School for Boys, in the San Antonio Light, Dec. half fare (road) car from the city. A practical education. Preparing young people for college. I gave all the instructions myself. Wesley Peacock, Ph.B., University of Georgia.

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Somehow this short attendance encouraged parents to send nine boarding students and 17 day students in the first year, according to the school's entry in the Texas Handbook. Eventually, despite the acquisition of 20 acres and a building program, Peacock was forced to limit enrollment to 200, with students from many states, regions and foreign countries, especially Mexico.

Dwight Eisenhower, who coached the Peacock Military Academy football team in 1914 while stationed at Fort Sam Houston, played on the West Point team. Here, circa 1912, the future president is third from the left, along with future D-Day field commander Gen. Omar Bradley is second from the right. Courtesy of Fort Sam Houston Museum

This is not a faith-based institution, like some in San Antonio at that time, and at first it was not a military school, but Merak soon caught on.

"During the Spanish-American War, a wave of patriotism resulted in 83 additional military schools from 1898 (the war years) to 1907," said John A. Coulter in "Campus Cadets: A History of the United States Military School." Several other Peacocks opened in San Antonio at the turn of the last century is listed in the state-by-state appendix of Coulter's book: West Texas Military Academy (later Texas Military Institute) founded by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas in 1893. , Lakeside Classical Institute (covered here May 22, 2014) 1905 , Military Academy Park and Marshall Training School (covered here March 4, 2017, and March 11, 2017) 1908 and Lukin Military Academy in 1917. Coulter saw a photo of Wesley Jr. who wore "(Admiral George) Dewey style outfits before 1900 conversion Merak's school to the military."

Peacock Military Academy Fiesta Dress Parade And Acrobatic Riding Exhibition

In 1902, advertisements still called "Peacock's School for Boys" but stated that it was "A Military School" with illustrations of boys (ages 8-22) wearing uniforms similar to US Military Academy (West Point) cadet hats. . and a weather jacket. The school was known as Peacock Military Academy or PMA in 1906. When the movie "The Immortal Alamo" was made in 1910, the uniform of the cadets was bright enough to allow Peacock students to play Mexican soldiers in the battle scene of 1836. . And no less a military hero than Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was hired to coach the Peacock football team in 1915, while he was stationed at Fort Sam Houston.

Peacock's military identity quickly grew stronger in the early decades of the 20th century, with its Corps of Cadets receiving awards from the US Army, and the Young Veterans Bureau (under a later Administration) renting campus space during the 1920s for a rehabilitation center.

The founder's two sons, Wesley and Don - who took over the school after their father returned in 1926 - both went on to distinguished military careers, and most of the male teachers also served. Students marched in the Fiesta parade — fur uniforms and all — and Woodlawn neighbors woke up to bugle calls and held regular "dress parades" that showcased the abilities of the Peacock cadets.

Peacock Military Academy

Most memorable, however, were some of the elite units that displayed some of the skills that San Antonians didn't see elsewhere.

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One of them is the school's famous Monkey Drill Team, an equestrian team that has to be seen to be believed (still possible at the 25:41 mark of the KLRN-TV documentary, "San Antonio Remembered: The Good Times," available on the PBS website. , www This is a hands-free (sometimes), helmet-less cadre of expert riders who practice in our school's barn on 40-plus horses, including safe falls, until they are ready to pull out acrobatics. stunts that wowed the audience at the local riding exhibition.

The name crack team comes from the tradition of knights to combine or "monkey around" with well-known tricks and movements in a series of dazzling improvised.

While serving at Fort Clark, a cavalry post near Brackettville, Don Peacock was inspired by the group and returned home to form the first PMA Monkey Drill Team.

In this undated photo, these cadets from the Peacock Military Academy wear school uniforms accessorized with images of the Mexican Army when they are extras in "The Fall of the Alamo," released in 1911. still, but there is no copy of the film itself.

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