Pcs Military Move - No matter how old or young you are, this always affects service members once every three years, and it's a huge commitment that requires saying goodbye to friends you've made, finding a place to live in a new job, determining schools for children. . Potential new jobs for spouses and the list goes on!

During my 20+ year active duty career as a Marine, I have performed 10 PCS. One of the things I've found is having a solid house packing strategy, and on the other hand, unpacking releases a lot of air from the family stress balloon. This allowed my team to focus on important things like saying goodbye, getting off on the right foot in a new job, and setting the stage for my family to put down roots in a new community, instead of me literally being distracted by our "stuff." . "

Pcs Military Move

Pcs Military Move

After a brutal PCS season, thousands of people signed a petition to hold moving companies accountable for damages, loss. "Is it worth asking that moving companies take a little more care of our memories?"

Pcs Military Move Planner: A Permanent Change Of Station Comprehensive House Hunting And Moving Journal

I planned a 10-rule model (learned the hard way early in my career) that often got us to getting pictures on the walls and delivering a box around the house in about 72 hours. Whether you apply these rules verbatim or there are variations on the following themes, I can assure you that they will help reduce stress, make the move easier for you and your family, and help minimize distractions as you settle into your new role and face the challenge. professional career.

The movers come to pack your house room by room and label the boxes accordingly (kitchen, nursery #1, etc.). In almost all cases, the new home will not match the one you are leaving, so you should organize your home functionally. For me, that meant consolidating the lamps, consolidating all the electronics into one area, removing all the art and pictures from the walls and putting them in one corner. This is obviously extra work on the front end, but it will allow you to find things on the other side in an organized manner, which is essential for an efficient transition to your new home.

Rule 2: Deliberately put away everything you need for the first two to three weeks when most of your possessions will be unavailable.

Anyone with a PCS has found themselves in a situation where something they need is packed away. It happens regularly because we put things away and put them away until the kids are in bed and the movers are coming the next morning. First of all, separate the types of items that must be items. These can be medicines, baby/baby food and safety equipment, pet cages and leashes, etc. You should also put aside the things that are not suitable for you to box the movers. I regularly carried my computers, family photo albums (now mostly digital), weapons, and things I considered irreplaceable. Finally, pack the things you know you'll need: toiletries, electronic device chargers, the kids' favorite toys, clothes for the trip, and put it all in a well-marked place with a "do not move" sign. If you follow rule 1 well, you can free up the closet to put these things that cannot be packed. Once they are there, mark them and check the entire package to make sure the moves were consistent.

Army G 4 Offers Tips To Prepare For The Peak Moving Season

Know Your Codes: From BE to Z, which may mean a few letters for your PCS, here's a handy inventory cheat.

I don't know why, but I find that many military families are reluctant to get rid of things they haven't used in years. One of the rules my wife and I made was that if we hadn't touched it in the last year (and it wasn't a seasonal item like scuba gear, snow gear, or sports gear), we should carefully consider how to dispose of it. get rid. of this. This makes it more likely that you won't use it further, which in turn means it takes up space, while space will always be at a premium once you settle into your new home.

When the new home is empty, it is essential that you imagine how your belongings will fit in it. The reason this is so important is that once the moving truck starts throwing your stuff away, the movers will move it once and then it's up to you to replace it. Therefore, the lack of a plan means that in addition to the challenges of re-establishing a family; You can add looking for a new chiropractor to your list! If possible, this visualization step is best done while you are still in the old house. For example, it is not uncommon for an outdoor table or children's set to simply not fit in the new location. In that case, I would default to step 3 to minimize interruptions on the other end.

Pcs Military Move

This is the most difficult step of the process. Most military moving contracts require you to unpack your belongings and place them on a flat surface. They would rather not do this because it is incredibly time consuming and often they will not choose to start the process unless prompted to do so. Most of the time we just want the movers out of the house because it's late, the kids need to be fed, the pets taken out, and if you sign a paper confirming that all your stuff has arrived, you're done. can Discomfort is removed. This is not an approach I recommend. Rule 5 requires two sets of hands to be played correctly. One of you should be at the door signing the box as soon as you enter the house and arrange the furniture and items according to what you decided in rule 4. Another member has a box cutter and opens boxes like his life depended on it. It was my approach to try to match the boxes coming in with the movers and give them a chance to carry the now empty boxes on the way to catch the next load. This does two things, firstly it reduces the amount of waste that will be under your feet when you are trying to organize the house; And secondly, it forces you to solve the problem of finding a home for all this stuff and not neglecting it for months in a box. The only exception I have to the no cardboard rule is the book box. I have a lot of books and having them in boxes makes it easy to get them on the right shelf in multiple places in the new home.

The Ultimate Military Moving Guide For Your Next Pcs

As stated in Rule 5, unpacking everything is the act of forcing yourself to do something about it. I was usually laser focused on one room at a time. I started traditionally in the kitchen, moved to the bathroom and then found my daughter's room. This thoughtful approach helped me disengage from the chaos around me and solve the problem without having to keep coming back.

Rule 7: Give yourself a room, closet or corner for things you are not sure about.

Despite your best efforts to imagine where things should go, there will be things that come out of the box and you don't know what to do with them. If you find yourself in such a position, immediately shove it in your "unsafe" room, closet or corner and continue to attack the things you know what to do with. You'll find that as the house begins to take shape, you gradually work your way through the "not sure" and eventually the rest is best suited for good will or storage.

No matter how well you plan the front end, you'll realize that some items you missed on the first cleanup need to be donated or they won't work in your new household setup. Be firm, tuck it into a goodwill post that's out of the way and not underfoot, and keep attacking the problem.

Pcs Overseas Checklist: A Military Moving Guide For Families

I know it's easier said than done, but if you can take the kids to a friends house, daycare or camp and the pets to the local daycare, you should. This action will buy you time at a very important time. This is especially important if your pets are escape artists, or if your children are at an age where it is not safe for them because there are no children in the new home.

When your stuff is packed, moved hundreds or thousands of miles, occasionally stored (ie picked up from the truck, then loaded back onto the truck), then finally delivered and unpacked.

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